Hugo Adding Custom Notices

  • vnull
  • Pub Dec 26, 2022
  • Edited Dec 27, 2022
  • 3 minutes read

Hugo Adding Custom Notices

Might be batter way to complete this with out destroying theme.

How to modify themes for Hugo

Add these notices More Rich Content to current theme geeky_hugo. This might be different base on theme layout.

In the root of the themes directory navigate to themes/<name>/assets/scss

Current theme has four files modification to add custom notices from coder.

The _notices.scss and notice.html need to be copied to current themes folder based on it’s layout. _variables.scss Only need coloring sections add. Finaly step is to import into @import 'notices.scss';


  1. assets/scss/_notices.scss
  2. assets/scss/_variables.scss
  3. layouts/shortcodes/notice.html
  4. assets/scss/style.scss

File: _notices.scss

.notice {
    border-radius: 0.2rem;
    position: relative;
    margin: 2rem 0;
    padding: 0 0.75rem;
    overflow: auto;
    .notice-content {
      display: block;
      margin: 2rem 2rem;
  .notice.note {
    background-color: $bg-color-notice-note-content;

File: _variables.scss

// Notice colors
$fg-color-notice-note-icon: #5e35b1 !default;
$bg-color-notice-note-title: #673ab71a !default;
$bg-color-notice-note-content: #7e57c21a !default;
$fg-color-notice-example-icon: #6d4c41 !default;
$bg-color-notice-example-title: #7955481a !default;
$bg-color-notice-example-content: #8d6e631a !default;

In the theme root directory add the following assets/scss/style.scss

File: style.scss

@import 'notices.scss';

Shortcodes Code

From the root of Hugo layouts/shortcodes

The shortcodes might not be created, so create it if required.

Use the following code that can be referenced in markdown code.

File: notice.html

{{- $type := .Get 0 -}}
{{- $title := .Get 1 | default $type -}}
{{- $inner := .Inner | .Page.RenderString | chomp -}}
{{- $icon := dict "note" "fa-sticky-note" "tip" "fa-lightbulb-o" "example" "fa-file-text" "question" "fa-question" "info" "fa-exclamation-circle" "warning" "fa-exclamation-triangle" "error" "fa-times-circle" -}}
<div class="notice {{ $type }}">
  <div class="notice-title">
    <i class="fa {{ index $icon $type }}" aria-hidden="true"></i>{{ i18n $title | default $title | humanize }}
  <div class="notice-content">
    {{- $inner -}}



One note here.
I’m giving a tip about something.
This is an example.
Is this a question?
Notice that this box contain information.
This is the last warning!
There is an error in your code.


Hugo themes are easy to add and swap, simply copy or pull the theme files to site’s themes folder and update the config.toml theme property to the name of the theme folder.

Themes are tightly coupled to their data schemas, so do not expect to take a site with full content and swap the theme. Might need to port data to match the new data schema.

Hugo themes are easy to override and build upon without the need to directly change the theme files. The Hugo theme approach is simple yet powerful, it is one of the reasons Hugo is my preferred static site generator.

Check out the something interesting:

How to modify themes for Hugo

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