Showing Post From Automation

Red Hat User Group Insights, Ansible Automation Platform, and ITSM Integration

  • vnull
  • Jun 1, 2023
  • 3 minutes read

Introduction: This blog post aims to summarize the key takeaways from this informative workshop. At the recent Red Hat User Group workshop on Red Hat Insights, Red Hat Ansible Automation Platform, and their integration with management (ITSM) systems, such as ServiceNow, provided valuable insights into how these technologies work together.

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VScode Automating Creation Folder and Files

  • vnull
  • Jan 2, 2023
  • 2 minutes read

VS-Code Folder Templates Because creating the same directories over and over again is annoying to do manually.- Huuums Automation…automation!!! We are always trying to improve things through automation.

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